Copyright Registration

Get copyright registration done for your original artistic, literary work, music, video, website, mobile app and software with the help of Taxxinn

  • Service Cost: ₹9999 
  • Estimated Time: 10-15 Days

Google Rating: 4.9


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    File Copyright Online

    Copyright Registration is quick, simple, and would be possible online with Taxxinn in 3 plain sailing steps


    Copyright registration is required to prevent piracy and copying of your original artistic, literary work, music, video, jingles, website, mobile app and software.This helps creators to make money from their creation by producing copies, performing in public, broadcasting, and selling their copies for various other online uses to the public. When a creator creates something, copyright is automatically created. But, India’s copyright registration act is important as it gives the creator a public legal right so that others can not misuse the creator’s work.

    The registration in India gives its owner exclusive, individual rights to distribute, copy, recreate the work or allow another person to do the same. It provides a bunch of rights- communication, reproductive rights, adaptation rights, and work translation. Ideas, procedures, operation methods of mathematical principles can not be shielded from copyright though.

    Advantages of Copyright Registration

    Legal Protection
    Registration of copyright acts as prima facie evidence in the court of law regarding ownership of the work. Copyright registration therefore provides the owner with legal rights for his / her job.

    Branding and Goodwill
    Licensed copyright can be used to promote the customer and create a sense of goodwill and efficiency in their minds. Copyright licensed shows us you care about your job.

    Global Protection
    Works in many other countries which are copyrighted are given similar rights here in India. In several foreign countries, copyright works registered in India are likewise granted protection.

    Restricts Unauthorized Reproduction
    Registration of copyright must determine that you are serious about infringement of copyright. This will help discourage unauthorized duplication of the work, as it offers a host of legal remedies for the creator.

    Creation of Asset
    Registration of copyrights produces an intangible asset, an intellectual property. Registered copyrights are intellectual property, and the rights can be licensed, franchised, or contracted commercially.

    What can be Registered as Copyright?

    The following could be registered under copyright:

    • Books
    • Website
    • Sound recording
    • Artistic work like paintings, photographs
    • Cinematography film
    • Computer programs
    • Broadcasts on Radio and Television
    • Published editions
    • Original literary others
    • Musical work & Sound recording

    Documents Required

    PAN Card

    Bank Statment

    Form 16 & 16A

    Digital Signature Certificate

    Copyright Registration Process

    Copyright registration procedure is easy but a professional would be needed to complete the same. TaxxInn is experienced in Copyright registration with an experience of registering more than 100 registration throughout India.

    Our TaxxInn experts will reach you out, explain the process step by step and help you out with your queries.

    Experts will let you know about the documents required. You can Email us the scanned copy of the documents.

    The next step is to prepare the application with all the details required

    Our lawyer will apply your application for registration along with the supporting documentation. Upon successful filing, you will receive your diary number.

    Once all the queries raised by the authorities are answered we have to do a regular follow up with the government department for the approval.

    After obtaining the Diary Number, you will have to wait a minimum duration of 30 days to ensure that no objections were raised. Upon completion of 30 days, the examiner will review your submission. If no discrepancy is found, the application may proceed to the approval of the Deputy Registrar.


    Copyright is a form of the intellectual property provide rights to creator over its literary and artistic works.

    Copyright works include books, sound recordings, music, artistic work, cinematographic films, dramatic, computer programs, databases, advertisements, and paintings.

    Copyright registration helps against infringement and protects author/creator artistic work for a lifetime.

    Copyright endures the creation of an intangible asset to the artist which can be sold, assigned & authorized to use.

    As the comparison to its driven benefits cost of copyright registration is very low. Mostly copyright work duration is a lifetime.

    Copyright work registration mostly valid for a lifetime plus 60 years from the death of an original author.

    Validity of Copyright

    After registration of copyrights, copyright is valid for the author’s lifetime 60 years after the author’s death

    Term of registration of copyright means that somehow the copyright in a work must live for a period as prescribed under the copyright act and the same can not be exercised without author / creator permission

    Since the duration of a work’s copyright varies from the nature of the work, the duration of the work’s copyright was discussed below:

    • Bookish, musical-dramatic, or creative work published: up to 60 years after the author’s life.
    • Anonymous and pseudonymous works: 60 years from the date of first publication of the work.
    • Cinematographic works: Sound recordings were screened 60 years from the date.
    • Film: 60 years from the date that sound recording is released.

    FAQs on Copyright Registration

    • Literary work;Dramatic work including original sound score
    • musical work, including lyrics and accompanying sounds
    • Cinematographic, motion pictures, and also other types of audiovisual films Theatrical and choreographic work, including pantomimes Architectural work & Sound recording
    • Picture, paintings, artistic representations, graphics, photographs, and sculptures

    Generally the registration of copyright is valid for 60 years. For literature, dramatic, musical, creative work (other than photographs) counted 60 years after the creator’s death Of cinematography, sound recording, film, publishing, computer programs counted 60 years from the date of publishing.

    • To serve as prima facie evidence in court in the case of an infringement suit.
    • To promote the assignment of the recorded work.
    • Exclusive rights over the work.
    • Right to prevent any alteration of the work or adaptations thereof, or any other actions that might damage the integrity of the work.
    • To gain the value of statutory damages and attorney’s fees.

    Copyright does not shield, or merge a brand name, image, logo, or slogan. You should opt for a trademark registration to get protection for such elements of the brand

    A website can not be copyrighted in one case, but you can not copyright the whole website because it consists of various elements such as material that would be called literary work, the source code and object code of the website will also be considered literary work, images, creative works would be considered as a separate work and thus individual copyright applications would be known as “B”.

    In the event of a copyright license, the owner reserves the right to use the copyright but maintains the ultimate interest in the licensed copyright. The owner is paying royalty fees, in return for use.

    The copyright for literary or musical or artistic work is valid for lifetime and it remains valid for 60 more years even after the creator’s demise.

    It is a unique application number created at the time the Copyright application is submitted online. From this number you can find out your application for copyright.

    A legal notice regarding the same may be sent to him / her. But if the second party doesn’t take any action then you can file a case against him / her and sue them in court.

    Published and unpublished plays are qualified for registration. When a research is already written, it would be appropriate to furnish the Publishing information along with the submission.

    We're Taking Pride! Not In Our Work, But With your words