Patent Registration

Once patent registration is done, one gets the right of intellectual property to an invention made by an individual or a company

  • Service Cost: ₹9999 
  • Estimated Time: 10-15 Days

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    Patent Registration Service

    Patent Registration is quick, simple, and would be possible online with Taxxinn in 3 plain sailing steps.


    In India the patents are governed by the 1970 Patent Act and the 1972 Patent Law. After the patent registration process, one gets the right of intellectual property to an invention made by an individual or a company. The government will grant you the full right for your company, if it is special. It grants you the full right to make, use, sell or import the product or process and prohibits others from doing so.

    A patent has a duration of 20 years. This time limit in most cases, but it could only be extended by the act of the congress and could be extended for a few years in rare cases.

    Among several items, the patent may be procedure, art, manufacturing system, particular equipment, machine, computer software, technological application, chemicals, or medicines. We, at, Taxxinn ,act as a patent agent and support companies registered in Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai and all other cities across India.

    Patent Search

    Every year patent authorities obtain thousands of applications for patents. Authorities are not approving all applications. There are other similar inventions / applications or the steps involved in the innovation, the reason being, and therefore not creative. Pharmaceutical companies in India, for example, file patents annually when their research and development teams invent a product or, mostly ‘Steps’ for formulating or deriving a given active ingredient (drug). Such drugs are often not innovative, and the innovation is not registered. Thus, rather than spending time on the patent process, it is better to find out if there are any similar inventions / applications already patented through Patent Search.

    Advantages of a Patent Search

    Test Of Inventiveness
    It is advisable to do a check to test the inventiveness of the product or method before paying the government fees for a patent. It’s the only way to know how likely the patent will be issued. While you might be aware of commercial uses of a product, it is entirely possible that a competitor has patented a product or process similar to yours, but has not yet started using it.

    Determining the scope of protection
    Patent registration requires a person to invest his or her time and resources, so it is best to know whether the patent can be registered or if there is an existing patent that can prevent registration or reduce the scope of a claim.

    Patent specification drafting gets easy
    Online patent application helps both the applicant and the patent agent in writing the patent claims and requirements. It is to ensure that it does not interfere with existing patents and that the novelty aspect is maintained, thereby increasing the possibility of patent registration.

    Possibility of patent grant
    If an existing patent with similar technical utility occurs, then the patent will not be considered as a novel and this would prevent the patent from being registered. Through this detailed search one will know whether or not to grant the registration.

    Improving possibility to define the future patent:
    Where a prior patent search procedure is conducted, it will serve as a valid and strong protection in the event of any potential opposition. This is a proof that the inventor had a bonafide intent with sufficient steps taken to prevent some kind of infringement.

    Improves Approval Chances
    When a patent has been given to a product or process similar to yours, it may lead to rejection of your application. Therefore, you will be able to picture your application and analyze how different yours is.

    Documents Required

    PAN Card

    Bank Statment

    Form 16 & 16A

    Digital Signature Certificate

    Types Of Patent

    Provisional Application
    If an invention is under experimentation and not finalized, a provisional application, often known as a temporary application, is filed. However, as the Indian Patent Office follows the ‘First to File’ method (known popularly as the First-Come-First-Served-Basis), it is a preliminary application which is filed before the patent office for priority claim.In technical terms, an invention’s early filing would prevent the existence of any other similar inventions from being designated as prior art to the inventor’s request. In addition, this form of patent application is filed when additional development time is needed for an invention.

    Ordinary Or Non -provisional application
    This form of application is conducted when the Indian Patent Office does not have any application or reference to any other application under system. For ordinary applications the priority date and date of filing are the same.

    PCT International application:
    PCT International application helps you to file a patent application in different countries and in up to 142 countries you can file it. It may take between 30-31 months to enter and claim rights in every country from the international filing date on.

    PCT National phase application
    This application can be filed within 31 months of the international filing date.

    Divisional Application
    When a specific application claims for more than one invention, the applicant can decide to divide a request and file two or more applications. In such applications the priority date is similar to that for the parent application.

    Conventional Application:
    If an inventor has already filed a patent in another country and now wants to do the same, then conventional application shall apply for this. It is mandatory to file an Indian patent application within 12 months of filing it first.

    Patent of Addition
    Only after the issuance of the parent patent is issued a patent for extension, therefore no separate renewal fee should be remitted during the main patent period. This is therefore issued for a term equal to that of the patent for the main invention, and thus expires in accordance with the main patent

    Patent Registration Process

    Copyright registration procedure is easy but a professional would be needed to complete the same. TaxxInn is experienced in Copyright registration with an experience of registering more than 100 registration throughout India.

    Our TaxxInn experts will reach you out, explain the process step by step and help you out with your queries.

    All you need to do is complete our simple form and provide your basic information which will be required while filing for patent registration to get a patent.

    After receiving all the documents from your side we will conduct a patentability search for you.

    On the basis of your basic information and documents, we will draft your patent application.

    After the final review, we will file the patent application with Indian patent office.

    After submitting all the documents and patent application, we will mail you the acknowledgement regarding the same.


    A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention. A patent provides the patent owner with the right to decide whether or how the invention can be used by others.

    Patent endures creation of intangible assets which can be sold, assigned & authorized to use.

    Like Company’s other tangible assets, a patent protects owner’s invention & its process from infringement.

    As a comparison to its driven benefits cost of patent registration is very low.

    After submitting all the documents and patent application, we will mail you the acknowledgement regarding the same.

    FAQs on Patent

    A patent is a legal right or say a government license, granting an inventor the exclusive right to manufacture, make, use or sell his / her invention for a specified number of years on the market.

    Patent application can be completed successfully within 7 working days

    The registration of a patent in India is valid for 20 years after the patent is open to the general public.

    Don’t worry, we’ll ask you to share your idea with us after you sign a non-disclosure agreement and keep it confidential.

    Your provisional application for a patent would become null and void.

    In India, filing an application allows the applicant to file a corresponding request for the same invention in other countries, within or before the expiry of twelve months from the date of filing in India. Therefore separate patents should be obtained in each country where the applicant in those countries needs protection of his / her invention. however,there is no worldwide legitimate patent.

    A patent search is a preliminary method for a patent being filed / applied for. A thorough check on whether the process or product is creative, novel (was not a part of any published document) and industrially applicable (possesses utility) obviously occurs before such a right is granted.This involves a search of the records of India’s intellectual property regulator to test if an idea or innovation exists which is the same or similar to the innovation of the applicant.

    Provisional patents must be issued immediately if the invention is proved to be protected from being copied by others and a complete patent application on another side must be issued within 12 months, along with full technical requirements from the date of the provisional application.

    Professional patent searching is not mandatory but it is often best to do so before filing a patent registration application. It saves considerable time, money and labour. The registration process takes a lot of time and money both, so it is best to be aware of the patentability and reach of the invention.

    Yes Taxinn, is an online platform that serves the whole of India wherever you do business, all you need is internet access on your smartphone or desktop and we are ready to do your work.

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