Patent Registration:
The government grants the inventor the authority to prohibit anyone from producing, utilizing, or selling their invention as of the patent from the date the patent is issued. In India, a patent can be obtained for any new creations related to a process, work, computer software, manufacturing, machine, or any other kind of invention that has never been created for the general public.
To ease online communication and financial transactions, the Indian Patent Office (IPO) started e-filing services for patents back in 2007. The platform allowed users to submit new patent applications online. The Trade Marks Act of 1999, the Designs Act of 2000, and the Patents Act of 1970 are all under the supervision of the Controller General. The organization also advises the government on issues about these subjects as well.
The Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (CGPDTM) has mandated a Class 3 category digital signature certificate in order to submit patent and trademark applications electronically in India. The Class 3 DSC offers the highest level of security and is valid for 1, 2, or 3 years.
Trademark Registration:
A trademark can be any word, name, or symbol used in commerce to identify and distinguish a company’s goods and services and to denote its source. While trademark rights may be used to stop others from using a confusingly similar mark, they cannot stop someone from making and selling the same goods or services under a different mark.
The Trademark Act of 1999 in India allows you to register a trademark. It gives the owner of the registered mark exclusive ownership rights and prevents others from using it. The “TM” symbol may be used with the applicant and the brand once a trademark has been registered. Trademark registration in India is important for brand protection. Since trademark registration requires several stages and ongoing government oversight, it is usually advisable to do so under the guidance of a professional.
What is a Digital Signature Certificate?
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a digital key that confirms and authenticates the sanctity of user data. In India, users can purchase digital signature certifications online from any certifying or registration authority. Your public key, name, APNIC account name, email address, and country of origin are all included in a DSC.
Without a digital signature, all documents created electronically are worthless. All documents in electronic formats must contain a digital signature of the applicant in place of the authorized signatory, just as any physical document is incomplete without a signature or LTI (Left-hand Thumb Impression).

Do I Need a Digital Signature Certificate for Trademark and Patent Registration?
Yes, the user needs to buy a digital signature certificate for trademark and patent registration. For the aforementioned registrations, the Controller General of Intellectual Property of India has made it necessary to digitally sign certain forms. Your intellectual property such as a patent, trademark, and copyright can be protected using this digital signature under the Intellectual Property Right (IPR).
Which Type of Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) is Necessary for a Trademark Application?
The Controller General of Patents, Design, and Trademarks (CGPDTM) has mandated a Class 3 category digital signature certificate to electronically submit patent and trademark applications in India. The Class 3 DSC offers the highest level of security and is valid for 1, 2, or 3 years.
How to Buy a Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate?
Licenses granted by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to the Public and Private Organizations are qualified to grant the digital signature certificate for signing electronic documents. The following is a list of the certifying organizations that the Indian government has approved to issue DSCs:
- National Informatics Center (NIC)
- Code Solutions
- Safes-crypt
- Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT)
The DSC is issued in the organization’s name for Trademark & Patent Registration. As a result, the user can obtain their Class 3 Paperless DSC using their Aadhaar or PAN card without having to physically present themselves or provide any physical documents.
To satisfy your e-filing needs, Taxxinn can assist you in getting an authentic digital signature certificate. Additionally, our team of professionals will protect your business’s brand identification and logo by filing for trademark registration and prevent unauthorized third parties from misusing it.